Sunday, December 23, 2012

The sponsors

I have said all along in this world of motorsports is that funding is the key strategy. I will have a fuel refinery tied in with a fuel reseller, with a client base. I will make this announcement very soon.  I will have a 501c3 company that we will promote through out the world. I will have a very strong driver that can win for this great plan. Most of everyone that knows me, already knows the driver. Gandolf Holdings, Inc., will be in charge of the funding of this race team. Jim Gandolf is and will be the sole owner of this race team, and no other family members will have ownership of this race team. We will support the fuel business through out the world with this race team. Clean fuel business to support the buyers through out the world in IndyCar racing. I have slowed down a minute to get everything in order for the long strides going on in the racing world. AMLS, will have a sponsor program from GHI. So will NASCAR, and of course I will have the IndyCar program.

Jim Gandolf

Starting a race team

I say that what time can tell; but as for now I have started the race team to this date. I am going to say that this is with the support of many clients in the fuel business. I started many years ago as a tour guide in 1983 at the Indy 500 with Texaco and had a great time. I have done something every year in racing since then. I have a long list of clients that I have brought to racing, I have won some race situations and have lost in a few transactions involving sponsoring and promotions a race team or a few drivers. I wrote a book called "500 Miles the book" I really love the motorsports world. So at this time I have raised money to try my hand at owning a race team. I will keep putting the pieces of the puzzle together everyday. I will look at both worlds of motosports as a fan and a race team owner. Yes I a a fan of this sport of racing cars. I am starting right now, and I feel great about the start of this great adveture.

Jim Gandolf